The SMTS is a design strategy to engage CMRH partners through collaboration, partnership, and engagement.
The SMTS formed Lived and Living Experience Advocacy and Advisory Committee, interested in sharing their LLEx to improve mental health and wellbeing services. The Lived and Living Experience Advocacy and Advisory Committee include health professionals, community leaders, and young people from diverse backgrounds.
When do we meet?
From 4:00 pm-6:30 pm (Sydney-Melbourne time) every second week of the Month online through zoom or the other media or face-to-face seminars.
For upcoming dates, please book through our powerdiary schedules.
Who runs the forums or seminars?
Our coordinators, counsellors, projects, and community engagement officers co-chaired the forums or seminars.
What happens at online or face-to-face forums/seminars?
We are open to sharing stories about your experiences in CMRH forums, workshops, conferences, and seminars. Sometimes, experiences are complex from individual to individual, and expressing them may differ. The telling story is complex when people face mental health challenges or issues. When describing your feelings or concerns, people think you are making things up; if you don’t have the correct diagnosis from health professionals that support your problems or challenges.
The SMTS allows you to speak up and say things you think and don’t have a right to talk about or shouldn’t bring up in a clinical or support setting.